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In the world of contemporary art, the painter Charlotte Pivard stands out here for her exceptional talent for reinterpreting classic works with a modern and visionary perspective. This painting is one of his most remarkable creations, an enigmatic canvas depicting a woman floating among water lilies, seen from below. This captivating work reminds us of the famous Pre-Raphaelite painting "Ophelia" by John Everett Millais, but it goes far beyond simple reproduction by offering a poetic allegory of letting go.

Charlotte Pivard's painting takes us into a dreamlike world where a woman rests delicately on a body of water, surrounded by water lilies. The unusual perspective of a view from below creates a hypnotic effect, inviting the viewer to delve into the artist's dream. Water lilies, with their delicate leaves floating on the water, evoke an atmosphere of tranquility and serenity.

The reinterpretation of Millais' "Ophélie" is a tribute to the beauty and fragility of nature, while fitting into a modern context. Charlotte Pivard's work invites us to meditate on the concept of letting go, of letting ourselves be carried away by the flow of life, just as Ophélie lets herself be carried away by the waters of the river. It is a poetic allegory that reminds the viewer that sometimes it is necessary to let ourselves be carried away by life, to abandon ourselves to its whims and to contemplate the beauty that surrounds us.

The use of water lilies in this painting refers to an ancient artistic tradition, particularly the Impressionist era. Water lilies were frequently depicted in Monet's paintings, notably in his series of paintings of his pond at Giverny. These images of water lilies reflected a fascination with nature and its reflections in water, a preoccupation shared by many artists of the period.

This painting by Charlotte Pivard is much more than a simple artistic reinterpretation. It is a contemporary message about the need to find inner peace, to contemplate the beauty of the world around us, and to surrender to the magic of life. It is a work that resonates with the history of art, while opening new perspectives on the world around us and on our own existence. Charlotte Pivard reminds us that art can be a mirror of our soul, inspiring us to marvel at the splendor of the universe around us.

This unique work is painted on a round frame, it is ready to hang.

Ophelia among the water lilies

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